Physical Contact and Mother’s Love

So many people talk about their child as being their true love. I have been wondering lately if that is because the amount of nurturing you do for the baby, the amount of one on one time that you spend with bub. Curious if it’s all the oxytocin that has is released with regular cuddles that happen naturally when having a little person.

I can feel that elation even if my bub, who is now a toddler, and way more independent than he has been ever, is just waking up and wants to sit on my lap before he gets into his groove of full speed. I can feel that warmth, it softens me, it brings me back to a space of love, but just being his chair!

When I pick bub up from his crib sometimes, especially in the morning, he may give me a look of pure curiosity, of love, the kind that a lover gives to another in the first moment when they realise how much they love them, and how delightful and new, and special that feels. I love when I get that look, it lights me up. It doesn’t happen very often, but I cherish it when it does.

Then there are the moments of learning and growing that happen with every tumble, with every new movement, that bring us even closer. I am curious if the combination of the cuddles, the special looks, the learning and growing together, is that special mixture to create that true love feeling.

It is absolutely beautiful.

Baby and Life Commitment

Lately I’ve been thinking about the correlation of having a baby and feeling like that stage in life is where you need to be for a while. For instance, I have friends from before who have had babies, but my life circumstance has changed and I now live in another part of the world. It’s not that I don’t want to regularly be a part of their lives as well, but since my life is set over here, I am naturally creating more roots here and having a sense of stability. With that sense of stability comes a whole fruit bearing tree of goodness as well.

I wonder if there’s the same kind of correlation about a person who has grown their hair long and had it long for so long and been that same person for so long, it’s their identity, who they have chosen, or not chosen and just slipped into, to be for a while.

Having a baby, for me has been a sure fire sign that this is the life I want and the life I want with my partner. Sure there is always room for improvement in our lives and that is what makes me love our lives as well, but everything is pretty great. Life is good, life is really good. I knew it would be, I knew it would be when we decided to have a child together. It’s almost like the baby put a timestamp on where we were and who we were at that moment and from then we have all grown together. Sure not everyone has a story that goes like this, but for me, and for us it has, and it’s really cool.

Having a baby is such commitment, it’s a huge commitment to who we are and what we are as well. By nature of having a small totally dependent person, we have needed to be stable, to be regular, to find a routine ourselves. It’s been really nice to have this. Seeing that I would not have done this in any other stage of my life, I have to gather that when consciously choosing to have a child, one does so because there is a sense of trust that life is pretty great, and bringing another person into it, would only enhance it.

8 Hours a Day

8 Hours A Day

The only time I get

to play

to read

to cuddle

to laugh

to share meals

to learn

with my darling son.

He is 16 months old.

He sleeps

more or less

on average

16 hours in a 24 hour period.


With the thought of doing a job outside of the home, it’s almost like the decision has been made, almost in the same way that you know the answer before the coin drops and you find out if it’s heads or tails. I do not want to be away from my baby for 7 hours a day 4 days a week. I don’t want to see him in the morning and then not again until it’s dinner time then bath and bedtime. Just thinking about that makes my stomach turn. I chose to have Baby A. I had NO idea how much I would change in all of this, but I am not willing to sacrifice my time with him, for a pocketful of dimes. I know that we are tight financially, so I will find another way to help bring in cashflow. A way that has me still here within reach for anything that my baby needs.


In the last two weeks we have gotten an au pair and life has already felt so much easier in comparison. I really do a lot in my days to keep my baby and myself happy and healthy. I do a lot to help keep my husband happy and healthy. I do a lot to keep our house and our home environment happy, healthy, and clean. It’s not that I am sitting idle. Far from it. I do have some down time, and it does seem to pass by very quickly while he naps, but I need that down time.


I am just not ready. I don’t think he is either. We have the opportunity for it not to happen and I will find another way.

Heaviness Before Change

Heaviness upon my chest

heaviness upon my heart

slow breath

worry in my head

change is coming.

This feeling is familiar

it comes every time

just before the door opens

the door that I’ve been wanting

it’s all as I have scripted

and yet

I feel the weight of my world.

Is this how the caterpillar feels?

Is this how the fetus feels?

That feeling of being in the tunnel

seeing the small light

knowing it will only get bigger

and envelope me

changing my perspective

changing how I operate

changing how I see the world

changing how I interact.

That heavy feeling is with me.

The Au Pair starts tomorrow.

Baby is coming up to 16 months.

A huge adjustment for me

no longer the 2 hours a day I get to myself

to eat, shower, and clean up

I will not cling to this old way of being

it is time for me to emerge into the next stage

of who I am

of who I will be

of who I am evolving into.

Until then I sit with this heaviness

and thank it

for I know

major change

is happening



I Am a Mother Now

So I’ve been struggling pretty much since I was pregnant with my new role. I had completely unrealistic expectations of myself and what I would be able to accomplish as this baby was growing inside of me. I had entirely too many projects on board, and became super stressed when my body intervened and made me slow down. Then came the near death scare for both of us (baby and I) and subsequently his birth and my proverbial death. I was so burnt emotionally, physically, mentally, and I really began to struggle, I experienced the darkest of times and perhaps it’s a flashback of being sliced open when I was full of fear and had tried to make peace with dying before they put me under, who knows, but weird violent images would go through my head. I feel embarrassed to even admit that, but I am sure I am not the only one who has experienced this. Then after that came five weeks of going back and forth to the NICU seeing my baby. I was a mother, but I was so distant as I healed and as he developed in the humidcrib and with the breathing help. Finally after he came home, here I was, here we were, a family.

Baby will have been born ten months ago this month. It is only now that I am really understanding that I cannot take on other projects. Period. I cannot. I feel an immense amount of guilt when I am not able to do it and that doesn’t help me at all. My main priority at this moment is being a mother to a baby that needs me. He is eight months developmentally this month and can stay sitting up on his own when I help him into that position. He is no where near crawling, he needs me all the time.

Two days ago I had an incredible scare when feeding Baby A while out with another mum and bub. I was giving him roasted veggie bites, and all of a sudden he couldn’t breathe, he couldn’t cough, he was choking. I could see it in his eyes that he couldn’t fix it himself, I picked him up and patted him hard on his back again and again as he puked, as the pieces started to come out, but they weren’t all gone, I had to fish them out of his tiny little mouth, and I held him close to hear him breathe, it took what felt like forever, but he did. I was so shaken from this, I still am, I have tears in my eyes as I am sharing this.

My job as his primary caretaker, is to nurture and love him. It is to protect him and ensure that he is safe. It is to help guide him and help him develop into his own person. My role is all consuming. I wake up in the night with my heart dropping every time I hear his breath change. I feel him so strongly all the time. When he cries, it goes deep into my soul, and sometimes it makes me cry too.

I love my baby so very much. My husband and I consciously chose to have Baby A and we are so lucky to have him. We are so lucky to be parents. I am so lucky to be a mother, to be Baby A’s mother. I never imagined my life to be quite like this, but this is my role, one that requires me to be here one hundred percent of the time for my baby, for my precious little person. My role is to be the best mother, the best version of myself that I can possibly be. Everything else will sort itself out. My role as well is to be a wife to my husband and to ensure that our relationship is going well and feels balanced emotionally and physically as well.

This is a totally unique time in my life and it will never be this way again. It is up to me to deal with my own emotions and not project them onto anyone else, especially not our child. He is a pure expression of joy, of innocence, of total trust. I am so lucky to be in this position. I am so lucky to have such a happy and joyous baby. I am so lucky that I get to be the one to hold him. I am so lucky that I get to be the one who is there when he wakes up. I am so lucky that it is me whom he reaches for. I am a mother now. This is my role.

My Baby’s Smile

No matter what kind of mood I am in, when my baby flashes his big smile at me, it makes me so happy. He is pure emotion, he allows everything to come out and I love to experience his joy!

Imagine being so transparent all the time as an adult with baby like innocence and vulnerability. How wild would that be if we shed off the years and years of programming of our social norms and customs. If all of a sudden we all just expressed how we felt when we let it in a pure and honest way? How nice would that be? Perhaps it would circumvent building up and blowing up at people, usually innocent bystanders.

Who knows, I guess this game can be played for ever until a utopian society or total destruction occurs. However, for now, I will just try to stay present in the moment and enjoy my baby’s sweet smile and all the joy that it brings.

He truly is a blessing and his smile and laughter is just icing on the proverbial cake.

Daddy and Baby Love

I am absolutely filled with this expansive, light yet very tangible love in my heart when I witness my husband and our baby together sharing moments. Having Baby A has certainly brought up this amazingly soft and tender side of my husband and it absolutely warms my soul. They cuddle together in bed or on the couch, Baby A sits on my husbands lap while he is working on the computer and Baby A taps at the keyboard that is designated to him, it really is the cutest thing to see a 9 month old going at it like he’s typing! I get to see him hold Baby A tight and with so much care when we are walking around, or when he’s putting him into his carseat, or even when we are walking around while he’s in the pram. There is this amazing connection between them and I feel so privileged to be able to see it. I love that I get to witness this evolution of love. It is the sweetest thing.

Fallen In Love

It’s taken me a while. Baby A is now 7 months old in actual age and I have just full fallen in love with him It feels great. I love to see his sweet smile and the way he looks at me. I love to watch and learn with him. I love to give him hugs and hold him close. I love to have fun and play with him. It feels very good.

I’ve loved him for some time, in varying degrees. It is nice to finally allow myself to fall in love too. I know he’s going to live, I know we are both healthy, and I know my husband is in love with us both too. It is important to me that my husband is in love with Baby A too. I really want us to be a family of love, of full love, not just between mother and son or father and son or even mother and father, but all of us in love together, as a unit, as an alliance.

The feeling of being in love is so magical. It makes me feel very good, it makes me happy. It makes everything in life so much more viivd and brighter. It makes life more joyous, and any perceived challenges as laughable and something that is kinda funny. The power of love is incredible.

I feel a sense of relief as well. It has been a rough patch for all of us and I’m glad that we are finally moving on with our hearts, minds and bodies.

Here’s to love!

Mum and Bub Group

I am so amazingly grateful for the Mother’s Group that I’ve dubbed the “Lovely Ladies with New Babies” that I have here in Western Sydney. We meet every week and we just hang out, commiserate, share, and just are there. If all relationships are just a matter of being there for someone when they need then I truly do have ea relationship with these women. We laugh and cry together, we are vulnerable and able to really support one another. Having a new bub can be isolating, it’s hard work and it’s non-stop.

Today we all went out for a movie together and we rolled in like 10 prams deep and it was great! I felt more energy while out today than I have in a very very long time and it felt wonderful. I love having friends. I love that they are all in the same boat right now with bubs who also cry, poop, decide not to sleep, who grow out of clothes quickly, who know what it’s like to be in this situation right now. It’s truly a blessing.

Baby: Tongue Tasting

When I lean in and play with Baby A, getting my head in close to his chest, he then pulls me in with both hands, sticks his tongue out and tastes my forehead. It’s funny that this is his way of exploring things around him.

He love to look out over my shoulder, or at least have his eyes over my shoulders. When he is up there and I have a bare shoulder, he tastes the entire length sometimes. Its so funny how he becomes entranced with it too, just going back and forth like a typerwriter.