It’s all starting to become clear…
I have found what I’ve been looking for
It’s all starting to become clear…
I have found what I’ve been looking for
Angels in the architecture
of her mind
of her reality
they are with her always
helping her grow while protecting her
uplifting her and sharing all their compassionate love
her divinity permeates her being
she in turn shines bright
illuminated with internal light
she attracts beauty all around
depth of beauty attracts her
she sees it everywhere
she shares her love and compassion
she receives it in turn
its just how the story goes
imagination ignited
smiles from the heart – heart smiles
magical friends
from the chapter before
guised as the mentor
reminder of magic
I am Magic!
I am the Dream!
laughter, deep laughter
friendship extended
beyond time and space
like we’re still together
as one
we are one…
I love you A Thelma. a
Perspective gained
integration time
universal eyes
of love
in love
all love
the spectrum illuminates
my worldly view
diving into a droplet
the leaf of a plant
a wave of the ocean
the heartbeat of a bird
or a child’s smile
even debating friends-
it’s all me.
I am all of this!
the balance remains
at the ened of the the day
as it was today
at daybreak
1 bliss filled i
Oh the magic
the special ingredient
needed for sparkle
for brilliant shine
like faery dust
open hearts seeing
open eyes singing
magic indeed surrounds
light illuminating rain
nourishment from above
seeds bearing life
on welcoming tilled fertile soil
spiders spin webs
beauty all around
reaching towards the sun
softly growing now
with ease, grace
the time – now.
Build Metta
the more love and kindness the better!
Don’t stop believing
continue to practice
challenge old paradigms
experience the spectrum!
spread my wings
Communal support
be a part of what is
be there
be here
Cultivating talents
confronting fears
transcending “reality”
new prespective
altered lenses
changing, changing, changing.
clearning the mind
feeling all sensation
wash, wash, wash
start again
choose what you’d like…
look for synchronicity
experience it
Let Go
Shifting perspectives
moprhing into the new me
voila a breakthrough
my mind is stronger than my eye
my eye is my mind
whatever that may mean
going beyond the ordinatry
nothing is as it seems
so many different ways to look
the value system of the objects shifts too
this is where the transcendence is
in shifting the view, the perception of things around
of the way i perceive the world
this is true
this is transcending what i have known into a new era of knowing.
it is indeed that a new era.
Silly to have lived in an era of illusion
perhaps it still exists
though my lenses have shifted
i am just me as perfect as i can be
like no one else I’ve ever really known – all me
allowing myself the freedom of expression, of expansion
letting go of someone else’s – society’s version of perfection
accepting and cherishing my uncommon thoughts
my varying actions
i am me, this is me
holding true to my inner self
it is higher than i can comprehend
the world continues to transform
a unique and individual place indeed
understanding depths of my soul
that I’ve only brushed by before
trusting that i am my best me
knowing that changes each moment
embracing the ever morphing reality
laughing in it, loving in it, growing in it….
Embracing my own self love
releasing others from the unattainable task
creating my own happiness
allowing love in – as it is – right now
without falling back on old patterns
nor projecting the future outcome of this, of now
simply enjoying the now- the moment – what is
enveloping my self, my soul in the goodness and grandeur of love
not making demands
letting go of expectations
allowing me to feel without wanting to own my interest
he will come and go
he always will so it seems
but I – I am here – the one with me always
I cannot stall nor stop energy
so i allow the flow to truly run through me
like a river encompassing, enveloping my everything
from my heart to my soul from well above my head to deep into the ground
allowing love with a resting smile upon my face.A