The Moment

changing my view

altering perception

taking the moment

letting go of what will be

and embracing its

original conception

living life or dreaming everyday

are all the same

some might say

now is all we have

the past was just a second ago

the future is already right here

so everything is truly

all within reach

keep whats dearest

whats true closest to you

to me… if that is time

then here it is

here i am

in this moment

every moment

living, dreaming, being

smiling at what goes on

observing my actions

looking into the reflections

all with love

an incredible amount of love

for if now is all there is

if it is all just right here

then i choose to be in love

inside and out, all around

its a grand way to be

if this is all we have


debilitating thoughts of perfectionism

of someone else’s point of view

internalized and accepted

oddly enough as our own

somehow thinking that others are better

always feeling a bit inadequate

for reasons that aren’t ours

searching for perfection

when its already here

everything is just as it should be

we are as we are meant

as perfect as the flowers and the trees

as the honey that’s collected

as the changing colors of fall leaves

everything is as it should be

time to let go

that view of perfectionism

is outdated, antiquated and detrimental

to a whole self… a whole being

a whole soul

how can one embrace oneself

if we’re constantly searching

looking up and down

backwards and forwards

while overlooking the obvious…

the source, the root…

the perfection is here, now

free from defects

we are made exactly right

exactly as we are supposed to be

i am

it is

we are


Back in Time

back in a time
where values are antiquated
old fashioned ways
outward appearances
singing at the pews
wasn’t ever really from here
i just spent time
my time, i needed to learn
i can survive
i must know one extreme
to experience the other
i have to know senseless order
to have perfect chaos
intentional freedom
i must know the mold
to break from it
it isn’t my mold
that is utterly clear
as i find myself back here

What We Experience…

taking things on as our own…

so what we experience is only that…
it isnt ours its just what we do
its what we see
its what we taste
its what we hear
its what we feel
its what we think about
but none of it is ours…
nothing really belongs here or there
it just is…
so if this is the case…which i believe it is at this moment
then everything is accessible
confirming that nothing is personal… its all incredibly impersonal
so if thats the case… just enjoy whats there at that time
enjoy it for what it is… but know it has no owner
its for all to share, to love, to experience…


sharing my love
my story
the truths ive discovered
helping others see it in themselves
sometimes a Band-AID is needed
until the root
the real issue can be addressed.
from traditional western doctors
to eastern medicine
eventually progressing
to find that its all in the mind.
so utilize those Band-AIDs
working on the root one at a time…
until no more Band-AIDs are needed
and every root is uncovered.

In hope for more

so here i am
where i thought i would be
but not how i want it to be
not feeling quite like my best me
sure i can make it work
sure i can morph and transform
not really my thing these days
not at all
so change is in the air again
oh yes again indeed
there is always a reason for the wind
surely enough the breeze is picking up speed
its not due to lack of opportunity for money
for making a life in the wine country
but its just not me
perhaps it was before
but i’ll never know
lifetimes away from now

i am blessed with incredible gifts
of seeing things as they are
with the ability to follow my bliss
to redefine and forecast
in ways beyond my comprehension
manifestations of dreams
all of them from my past
the same one that led me here
but i am no longer that
so now i guess its time to dream again
to make smaller steps
to build the foundation
to continue my climb
my growth
all or none or so it seems
take it or leave it
these incredible dreams
but for now…
for now…
for now…
just looking for simple happiness
simple truths
yet yearning for a bit of a steady home
which i can make happens when i choose
but the wind keeps on blowing
my mind keeps expanding
and my heart… oh my heart… it keeps me moving

i am a feeler with incredible intuition
aware in so many ways
yet a novice to it all
not knowing how to really harness it
so move i must
thats all i seem to know right now
move until i feel it
hopefully someday that feeling will sustain

to leave one reality for another in hopes of something better…

The Trance

You see

its all new to me

as novice as i can be

naive to an extreme

i don’t know what it means

i don’t know anything

i can tell how i feel

i’m even compelled to sing

thinking of you

the energy transfers

pulsates and envelops my being

words just come out

motion just happens

the flow is so incredible

but extremely foreign

it makes me nervous

when i’m out of the trance

when i come back to earth

after being higher than…

well, there’s nothing to really compare



i’m ready to try again

i’m ready to fly again


I inspire others

others inspire me

trust my instincts

go with that flow

realize it all changes

there’s nothing to hold on to

its all just energy

momentarily held in form

its hard to not be fooled by my eyes

to not trust what I see

but its all just a projection

imagined by me –

the power of the human mind

is beyond comprehension

the endless possibilities

the unlimited potential

the awaiting opportunities



Embracing Femininity

Time to embrace

my god given gift

the all mighty

power of femininity.

my body

my curves

my scent

my vessel

housing my soul.

blessing it is

hard to express

in a conservative society

like the one that exists.

so much more than just flesh

a truth i am starting to understand

something to explore

not to be afraid of

or to feel any shame from

embracing my femininity

at the eve of thirty

in this rebirth i shall

be one with it in all ways i can.