A Gal

i met a gal

and showed her how

I frame my window

to see the world 

with clear glass panes

seeing the light of the sun

explaining that it will rain

and suggested she try to reframe.

she smiled and said 

she felt good around me

and would try as well

to turn that key.

my other friend said

my presence is intoxicating

that its so different when I’m around. 

i said i will never know 

what its like when I’m not in tow

i only know what i know

and i only know how to be me…

Random Notes on a New Year’s Morning

Random Notes scribed in my journal on a New Year’s Morning somewhere near Santa Cruz:


Be in the place where you can see the most blue skies… where you can get lost in the clouds.

Blue skies like when you are in love…

BE where you feel the most love!

IT all relates to following your bliss, do what makes you happiest and brings you love!

It’s all about the love in all things…

IT should come naturally! 

You know you are in your right place when you aren’t wearing any masks and your arms are open and you’re embracing your surrounding space…

Choose the best! The best that fits you so you can be your very best you… where you understand… know the truth, be honest!

Always strive for truth… that IS the truth! 

Wind blows, clouds swirl, sun casts rainbows, twists and turns, rolls and expands, dissipates and moves along. 

“treading uphill in a slippery bag trying to find my shoes” 

I love the warm winter sun on my cheek.

I’ve missed the great and expansive Pacific Ocean… I love California and it’s majestic and diverse coast… 

I am blessed and thoroughly grateful to be here.

Actions Not Words

“Actions speak louder than words” 

yet I still believe what you say

but I don’t understand why you lie. 

Why not tell the truth

be honest and lay it out

not just spurt a firearm of words

from your mouth and into the air

slow it down

think about what you really want

find who you are

and be honest of high how you set the bar.

I don’t want to be around a liar

someone who just says what they think I want to hear

I’d rather be alone with my own ideas, thoughts and actions

than to have someone like that near

so stay away until you’re ready to speak

straight from the heart

of thoughts that are real

and true feelings that you feel. 

Prove it with what you do

and you’ll understand

why I find this to be such a virtue.


Sitting in silence

listening to my breath

without a thought of regret

my mind wanders 

to the term “vessel” 

I realize in this moment

that’s what makes me tangible

it houses my soul

it houses my mind

in this thought I’m aware of time

not in the societal sense

but in physical birth, growth, aging and death

Another thought kept passing through

lyrics that I love to listen to

“know what I want, know what I can get…”

and I’m reminded only physical limitations can be set

in this life I’m really well off 

with a strong mind and an interior so soft.