What If I Documented My Process with LOA?

It dawned on me today that I could show others how to action LOA for a lifestyle upgrade by actually documenting my own experience step by step, maybe even day by day at times. I know I have a very powerful way of manifesting and this way I can literally share all of what is happening. This way, other people can see how I am doing it, and in turn do it themselves and upgrade their own lifestyle. How incredible would it be if I was able to positively impact people, specifically women, to upgrade their lives and feel better along the way? How incredible would it be if I helped to raise the vibration amongst this group so they can be more productive and happy in their own lives? How incredible would this be?!

So many times in my life I have done things that later I read about by someone else and I’m always like, yeah, I did that like 10 years or 15 years ago, and I kind of chuckle at myself. I have intermittently written about my adventures or at least how I am feeling in journals, on scraps of paper, on coasters, on posters, here on my blog and online in social media posts. However, I have not consistently tracked what I have done when I am actually doing it. So maybe now is a great time for me to do this and serve as living proof about lifestyle upgrading and reinvention of oneself.

Wouldn’t that be so nice if I was able to simultaneously upgrade my own life, share my process with others, and they also do the same! Yes, this sounds like a great plan. How do I know? It makes me feel energised. How else do I know? My body feels a bit of butterflies in the stomach, but in a very good way, how exciting! How else do I know this is the right path for me? It’s something that I have been practicing for as long as I can remember, and I know it very well and have shared bits and pieces along the way with so many different people, and I enjoy the process of sharing it all. Cool. There it is, I will document my own process of using Law of Attraction to upgrade my own lifestyle and share it with others so they can also upgrade their own levels of happiness and lifestyle too!

Law of Attraction Life Upgrade

Using Law of Attraction, the idea that like attracts like, is a key theme and way I have been able to upgrade my life again and again. Even before I had heard the words or the term law of attraction, it is what I was doing. It has been proved that our brains are plastic and can be reprogrammed and rewired by new habits. Those new habits can be real or imaginary because it takes place in the mind.

Countless business, psychology, and self help books all describe that in order to create change, you have to visual it first. Visualise each step and hold that in your mind and it will become that. Also I know firsthand that if you have contradictory thoughts, they will also emerge because the mind does not discriminate, it produces what is in there, even if you think it’s something that you don’t want, it is still holding space with the want.

Some key aspects of visualisation include relaxing, breathing deeply and allowing the mind to day dream. This can also be done using a guided visualisation meditation process as well. Another way is to write out in detail what is going to happen and to imagine it as clearly as possible, with all the details from all senses. What does it look like? what does it sound like? how does it smell? Can you taste anything particular? Overall by enlisting all of the senses, it brings the vision into a fuller image, into an almost tangible thing, and most importantly it produces a feeling. That feeling is going to be something to hold onto as feelings are like wood to a fire, they help it burn bright and help the transfer from what is in your mind to what is in front of you to actually happen.

This very simple process is applicable to all areas of life. The next key is to support it with thoughts and phrases that help you remember. They can be something like “I am healthy and strong” or “I am loveable and loving”. I find it best if you use very active “I Am” statements as over time when you repeat these, even if it feels unfamiliar at first, a time will come when a switch happens, and you can hear the conviction in your own voice because you now own that statement about yourself.

Another very key aspect to upgrading your life through law of attraction, after visualising, creating a clear picture, creating a supporting statement or mantra, is to also create actions and habits that support your goal. It doesn’t matter how much wishing you do, the most powerful part is in the doing. It always is, you have to show to yourself that you are doing what you know will get you to your goal. This way holistically you are supporting yourself mentally, physically, and emotionally to get to where you want and need to go to upgrade your life.

These habits of action need to be implemented in small pieces so that it’s easier to keep them going. If you do a cause and effect kind of habit, where if I am doing A then I do B next. An example would be every time I use the toilet, I write something I am grateful for in my gratitude journal that is in the bathroom. Another example is every morning when I get up I take a moment to feel appreciation for the sleep I had (regardless of how much I actually got), I then put both feet out of bed at the same time and get up standing strong and into a stretch before moving forward with my day. These habits will support your efforts and make the process of you moving towards your goal much easier.

Also celebrating the accomplishments you have made along the way is so major. This is something that I have had to work on. I have found that manifesting what I want in life to be pretty easy, but I then hurry along to the next part without properly taking the time to enjoy and revel in the fact that I have done a piece of the work along the way to the bigger project. Celebrating can be big or small. It can be taking time to read a chapter of a book you’ve been wanting. It can be buying yourself a little personal “way to go” or “thank you” gift which will help serve as a reminder when you look at it that you are indeed, on your way.

Upgrading your life is actually really easy, especially after you get the hang of it. You just have to do it with intention, clarity, and really support you and your efforts. You have to support you and the rest will all fall into place, I promise.

The Waiting Place

I fear that I may have found myself in the waiting place. Not intentionally, but I think it’s where I am. Earlier I was talking to my husband and said that I can just feel like this next chapter is going to be the one where I really break out from where I am personally now, professionally now, and move forward in that area. As I said this I realised how I was unintentionally putting a “grass is greener” lens on the next phase, and ALSO putting myself in the waiting place! How could I have done that!

So whenever I realise that I am feeling weird about a place or a situation that I’m in, I do my very best to do whatever I can to appreciate it and show gratitude because those feelings, those emotions ripple into so many different areas of my life, as they are mental habits that I make and are patterns that make up me. So I am in a stage where I need to be appreciative and grateful for living in Western Sydney and along with that, all of the other aspects of my life. So…

I am grateful that I completed my Bachelor’s of Business Administration and Marketing because I’m drawn to that subject matter and it was a long standing goal that I have now achieved.
I am grateful that I got married to my loving husband, who happened to have accepted a job in Western Sydney because he is my love and I’ll go wherever he goes.
I am grateful that we chose to have a baby and that our lives have been forever changed with his blessed presence.
I am grateful that I chose to live with him and bub here in Western Sydney, because being a family is important to me, and raising our son together is essential for a family life in my eyes. I am also grateful for living in Western Sydney because I have met a great group of women who are also first time mums and we have all grown together.
I am grateful that I have devoted the time to grow and develop with bub. I am grateful that I get to experience the all the special moments with him because he is only this age once, and I am only this age, at this stage of my life, once. I am grateful that I slowed my career path down a bit while relatively continuing to keep up to date with blogs and books.

Now is the time where I need to keep writing, keep sharing, keep expressing myself. Right here, right now is where I will do it all. Period. That’s it.

Emotional Hangover

My head hurts, my eyes hurt, I feel withdrawn, slightly manic almost going from a momentary high to back down into the wallowing blah that is. It’s hard having an emotional hangover. They can last for days, up to a week. For some people they get so used to being in that emotional hangover state that it consumes their life and months go by, even years before they really bounce back. I guess I’m lucky. I have a high tolerance because I’ve gone through a lot of unnecessary crap in my life. I guess that make me lucky in some regards, I know it passes, it always does.

The emotional hangover can be caused by a number of things. It doesn’t have to be solely around losing a loved one, or breaking up. It can be not getting the recognition for a job well done after you spent months working on it. It can be not getting thing you’ve been dedicating time and energy into only to be turned down, not given the chance, or just ignored all together. It can be trauma as well like after having a baby, or having a car accident, falling and breaking a bone, it can all cause this feeling. It’s almost like life gets put slightly on hold so that you can reconcile what has happened and then move forward.

Some positive points about an emotional hangover include learning how to look after and love yourself. This is only if you have worked on it. The easy way is to indulge in some escapism with drinking too much, getting high, binging on Netflix, overeating or fantasising about the old glory days. None of this really helps, but it seems to, at least momentarily, and when you are feeling low, anything that makes you feel even a little bit better seems like a great option, at the time.

As I’ve gotten older, and hopefully wiser, I’ve learned that I need to do the opposite of the negative indulgence. I really need to feel the feelings before I can let it pass, and then I focus on me. What really cures the emotional hangover is a whole lot of self love, self nurturing, and self compassion. This includes getting some body work done such as a massage, or acupuncture. There are many other options, but for me, this really helps get everything back in order. I know I need to eat well, as in healthy good foods that make me feel nourished. I normally don’t eat meat, but when I am feeling like I need something extra, I don’t even hesitate getting some salmon or some kind of beef, it just helps everything in that moment. Moving my body is a key upper as well. It can be as simple as taking a walk around the neighbourhood, or doing the stairs more. I also have a sauna at home, so letting my body sweat a bit definitely helps get it all moving which helps me move through the emotional hangover. I also find that if I groom myself, even if it’s a DIY mani/pedi, and a DIY facial and DIY hair mask, it all makes a world of difference. I also make a point of putting on makeup because when I look in the mirror I see a more perky version of myself and it holds space for me to move back into that, even if I don’t feel that way right then.

Sex can be a great aid for the emotional hangover. Orgasms and releasing in that way specifically helps to reduce stress in a major way. This can even be effective without a partner but oh boy it’s so much nicer when it’s with the one you love.

Expressing the feelings or the even what happened in a factual way can be helpful. Writing it out, painting it, speaking it all helps. It can be very harmful to keep it all in, just be sure not to hurt anyone’s feelings when you do share. Also taking responsibility for your own feelings is essential. Working out how to avoid another emotional hangover is also awesome if you can do that too.

Sometimes, in life, you just have to understand that things will go the way they do. Control is often out of your hands, and all you can really do is manage your own self, your own reactions, and seek help if you need it. Use every experience as an opportunity to grow more into who you really are, to learn what you can from it, and move on.

Breaking Point

Why do I seem to always get to the breaking point to finally get help. Why is it that no matter how loudly I ask it doesn’t matter until I am so far into the depths of my own despair that things start to change? Do I not ask for enough? Do I not show that I need help? Do I not say that I need help?

The thing is that I do feel like I say what I mean, and that is the part that is confusing to me a bit. I say I need help, I say very clearly what I need to get out of the situation, but I need help to get there, so I ask. Then when I’m literally breaking down crying, that seems to be the point where change happens. I really would like to have change happen way before that moment, how else can I convey it?

It’s an interesting thing as I am consistently paradoxical in my ways. I am very much an AND person not an OR person. I like to be supportive of others AND I also need support. I eat relatively healthy AND I like a bit of sweets every now and again. I enjoy change AND I crave stability. I am happy for someone else’s career journey AND I want my own career to progress. So perhaps I need to be clearer while still voicing what I need and specifically taking action towards it.

The last part of last week was such a freaking heavy stretch of time for me, full on breaking point, and finally things are starting to change, and I feel emotionally hung over and very very raw. I’m getting there. The emotional hangover is for real though…

Whatever Helps You

Thinking about how some people get right into religion, or astrology, or science, to me it’s all the same. Some choose to make television and media their form of religion, something that they devote their time and attention to. To me, all of this is the same. It’s all something that takes you mind off of things, or helps your mind focus on other things, which in turn help you through your day, and your life. This is totally fine. I really think that we have the luxury of choosing what we spend our time on these days and all in all, it doesn’t really matter what you choose, AS LONG AS it doesn’t harm yourself or others.

When I started learning about astrology, I got right into it. I was in a space where I was broken, and really needed to take my mind off things. In turn, it helped me to understand the human condition much more, which helped me help myself and also helped me to understand others better. I think this is great. I may not follow it as closely as I did before, but it’s exactly what I needed at the time. I needed to focus my attention on something else that interested me so that I could continue healing my body, my mind and my spirit after the head on collision, a la divine intervention.

Not everyone has to go through such a major upheaval and trauma like I did, however, every one has the stuff they need to work through, and I think it’s perfectly alright if they latch on to something that helps them help themselves in the process.

The well of emotion

So I’ve come to realise that every time I experience a really strong emotion, it’s like it activates a deeper well within me that houses that same emotion. I felt this when I was grieving over my father, it was like a wave of all the grief I have ever felt came rushing in, not just for my father.

Most recently, the well of emotion has been about frustration and the feeling of helplessness. I have that feeling about not being able to save the farm and I currently do not have the resources to buy the property to help with everything, and I must accept this, however, the feeling of limitation is so very strong. I noticed that it’s the same helpless feeling I had after having my baby and he was in the NICU. I couldn’t do anything about it, I just had to focus on healing myself, and trust that everything was going to be okay, and I know that it did end up that way as he is 18 months old now and flourishing. It’s that same feeling of limitation that I have felt about not getting my permanent residency after all this time. It’s the same feeling of limitation and frustration of having to be in the hospital prior to bub arriving and having to just surrender to taking medication because I was in so much pain. It’s all the same feeling that things are out of my control and it causes tremendous frustration.

Since I know this is all the same emotion, and I know I am experiencing this emotion, I am not the emotion, but I have the emotion, yet for some reason I still have a hard time rising above it all. My higher self knows that it shall pass and to trust the process, yet my human self has been getting all worked up and now feels rather emotionally raw.

If all emotions spring up from a well that has been created before them, then all emotions likely boil down to just a handful, even though the streams may seem like they are different, they all come from the same source. Now how can I use this information to help myself. Also how can I use this information to help others as well? How can I make it clear that it’s just a pattern, a well of emotions and it’s okay to have them, just realise that I am experiencing them not that I am them.

Husband Appreciation

I swear as soon as my husband is home, we talk and then get on like normal, I feel so much better I cannot even believe. It’s like he helps bring back the balance in my life, especially now with a bub and being at the farm with his elderly parents. It’s like I have my true partner in life back by my side and everything will be alright in the world.

I haven’t ever felt like this before. I don’t have to carry my husband and we both mutually support one another. I am so glad that I found this person to go through this life journey with and experience our lives together. Truly blessed. Truly blessed.

Lottery Dreams

How many people get caught up in the dream of winning the lottery? Millions obviously since so much money is spent on them each day. It’s a slippery track. To think that one fell swoop will solve all the problems.

I honestly don’t think that my life would change that much if I won the lottery. I would just have more to give and my lifestyle would be better, but overall, I am still at the core who I am and that isn’t going to change.

The best way is to keep progressing, to keep working on projects, on life, and not put anything on hold in the hopes of winning the lottery. However, if I just start doing what I want if I did have that amount of money, then my life will transform into that anyway.

So for instance, if I want to have fresh healthy foods, then I will start my own garden. If I want to feel a bit of luxury, I will exchange the soft goods in my house so that they are of a better quality. If I want to feel more sophisticated in my clothes, I can either go out and buy something new, or I can do my best to create a dress myself with fabric that makes me feel good. If I am looking for more time to create, then I need to schedule it and ask someone else to watch bub while I do what I need. If I am looking to give back to others, then I need to create a program to help them, even if I don’t have the money to donate, I can offer a way to help their lives improve. All of this is within my reach. All of it. It’s only that winning the lottery would fast track it.

Also I really need to let go of the idea of buying the farm, it only frustrates me and that does nothing positive for my attitude nor my mental health right now due to the feeling of being so limited. I need to work through this and just accept that it’s not going to happen and move on to continuing with my own life that I have created with my own family.

Internal Storm

Sometimes I get into this funk, where the storm comes, I feel emotional, raw, and slightly bitter. I feel like I am doing what I ought to be doing and for some reason life isn’t going my way. This doesn’t happen all too often but when it does, it really sucks. I feel like right now I may be in that.

So if I were talking to a friend, I would ask them how they are supporting and nurturing themselves when they aren’t feeling supported and nurtured by the universe. I would ask what they are doing to bring joy, are they sleeping enough, are they eating well? Have they found ways to laugh and stop in wonder of nature? Have they talked it out, vented, expressed this in some way so they can move through it? For me personally I have felt the lack of support and over giving from me to others in a big way, and even found a tick on my face this morning, a sure sign from the universe that I am giving more than I am receiving.

If I ask myself all of these things, I realise that i am not sleeping enough, I do not feel supported and I am in need of personal support myself. I need to have some body work, some time alone to nurture my creativity. I need to have some time by my self, alone to just be in my own energy. I need to find ways to laugh, by watching a comedy, or listening to stand up. I need to focus on the positive of my situation and really reach for the appreciation and gratitude of what is going on right now in my life. These are all things I need to do to restore my own personal balance. I need help and support to do these, so I must ask for that help. When I feel depleted, it doesn’t help anyone.

So by focusing on these things, I know it will create a change in my attitude, and I will return to my natural sunny disposition. This is my goal. This will be my way.