Objective Look at Lack of Flow

If I had a friend who told me she was trying to make it to a goal, but things kept steering her away, and so many obstacles came out left and right, I would likely tell her that she needed to slow down and take a look at what she is doing and why she is doing it.

When you are where you are supposed to be, and you are prepared for the opportunities that arise, things flow in your favour. When you are in a situation that you are truly not prepared for, things do not always flow in your favour, and it’s to your benefit from the eagle’s eye view point.

So take this time to step back, regroup, and think about what happens next. Slow it down, breathe, recenter, make a plan, and then move forward step by step. Then allow the flow to happen smoothly and seemingly effortlessly.

That’s a key point too, that it’s not that you just happen to be lucky and things all start going your way, sure that does definitely happen too, but it’s about being open and prepared in some way for the opportunity that allows that seemingly effortless flow. It’s all about the preparation beforehand, so that when in the present moment, intuition can guide, the gut instinct can be trusted, and things fall into place.

Take time, regroup, prepare, and then, start again with a calm and quiet mind.

Eel Totem and “Great Change”

Three weeks ago I graduated from University. Since then I have gone through a series of different emotions, running fast, then slowing right now, and even sprained my ankle! It’s an interesting space to be in where there are expectations of what a new graduate does, as in gets a typical job works and makes a little money. However, I haven’t wanted to return to something or a way of life that I have previously experienced, so I have been feeling the pull towards that familiar route and simultaneously a strong push away from it. It’s not that I don’t want to spend my time making valuable contributions to the world using my new knowledge and positively impact the world. I do! It’s just that old way of working does not appeal to me. Trading my life for someone else’s goals and ideas when I may just happen to find them on a job board is not appealing to me.

Offers have been coming my way that are not traditional as well, which I am very thankful for. None have fully resonated with me though. It’s not like they aren’t totally suited to me, because they are, it’s just that I don’t feel passionate about them. They happen to be jobs that are in line with my interests and the way I operate in the world, but for some reason that voice inside of me isn’t saying “GO GO GO”! Instead what’s happening is that I spend a heap of time deliberating if it’s a good idea, and it usually is, and if the pay will be enough for me and for the most part it has been, but there’s something vital missing. In all of these offers I’m still pushing someone else’s agenda which still does positively affect the world, but I don’t feel energised by the thought of actually doing the work to do it.

Obviously I am curious about myself as I witness this space of transformation. When I truly think about what does appeal to me, it is the ability to be my best self, make a difference in the world, make and complete highly ambitious goals and live a high end lifestyle. This is what I want and I am researching and learning about how others have done it and are doing it to gain some insight and inspiration. What I want is to combine all of my awesome into one package and deliver it in a relatable way to others. What I want is to inspire change in others like I have been inspired over the years and help people live in their best version of themselves. I want this for others because I want this for myself. I want to be happy and generous and kind and appreciative, and I also want to inspire others to also find their key qualities.

I truly believe that I can change the world but I know it will take collaboration and trust. I choose to live a meaningful life where I feel great about what I do every day, where I look my best, and I present my very best version of me.

Of course as I’m coming to all of this, the outside world reflects something so interesting and shows up as a guidepost on my path. Where I live there is a duckpond, it’s lovely. There are brown ducks, black ducks, a couple of white ducks and I took down some toasted bread for them this evening. Well, as I stood there passing out toasted treats to the ducks, I noticed an eel! Not just one but two eels! I’ve visited the pond countless times, not once have I ever seen this! I watched them and saw that the ducks left them alone and the eels left the ducks alone, they just both lived together. Every once in a while a duck would mistake the eel for food and give it a nibble but the eel just went along on it’s way.

As soon as I got home I looked up what an eel totem represented and lo and behold it all about awakening the kundalini energy of the serpent and “Great Transformation”! That the eel watches and takes in all the information and at the opportune time moves forward with ease. I know I am going through a major change and to have this reflected in the outer world still amazes me. Perhaps I needed to be reminded of the divinity in nature and in the world so that I can further honour it and allow myself to fully be present and accept that I will get everything I want as soon as I want it enough to just be it.


The Universe is Opening Up…

“Swinging from stars, too near and too far, watching them shine, doing my time, making them mine then I leave them behind…” lyrics like these from Tea Leaf Green, kept flowing through my head while I was sitting lotus pose trying to focus on my sensations. I felt like this was some kind of sign and when on the short break in between courses I found that they were playing in San Francisco for Earth Day. I didn’t know how I could afford such an adventure, but thought about a series of ways that might work out to get a ticket. Along with the idea that I would just head up to San Francisco after the last of my meditation courses and figure it out when I got there. There was a whole lot of planning and a variety of what ifs but nothing real, just all in my forecasting imagination.

A curly dark haired woman with stars around her eyes started up a conversation with me after we broke silence on the last day of the course. With her thick New York accent she told me she was heading to Sedona, Arizona. Within a few minutes we made plans for me to come out there with her. This came about effortlessly which was interesting as I had attempted a few times since returning to the states with that same forecasting of my imagination of ways to head back to the state where I had lived in prior to Brazil. None of those what if plans worked out because it wasn’t the right time. So, all of a sudden, there I was and there she was with this opportunity.

The next morning we drove from North Fork, California to Sedona, Arizona in an all day drive. We totally connected and I ended up staying with her for close to a week. Through me being out there meeting up with different old friends I brought new people into her life. In that process she was able to connect with a dear friend of mine who knows about Native American healing, something I had been interested in as well as what she had been looking for. Along with that, due to some other plans “falling through” or shifting one day, I wandered out with another old friend and found a flier for a Sedona Method workshop that would be held a few hours later. I had never heard of it, however, when we went to it they gave us a whole package of material, all for free. The whole idea behind it flows right from what I had just been practicing in meditation focusing on the unconscious mind. It was like I had just gone through meditation to arrive at that point and was prepared to learn what was being offered. I wouldn’t have been so open to it if I hadn’t done what I had just done, but since I did, I found myself in that position.

Sedona is a special place with natural vortices’s amongst its stunning red rocks and natural art. It draws a a wide variety of spiritual followers from all walks of life who venture out on their path of self awareness. There are free workshops and seminars available for everything! I stopped in at a writers workshop one evening being held at the “Best Bookstore in Sedona.” I was amongst local writers, mainly an older crowd, where the activity of the evening was to write whatever we choose about four words that the person next to us wrote not realizing that they weren’t going to be the ones writing about those words! I wrote a poem fitting to Sedona, shared it and received constructive criticism in such a loving way. It felt great! Since I went to the writers workshop I found out about an anniversary bash being held the next afternoon in the bookstore with live music and cake! Of course, I had to go! Listening to a passionate harmonica player in a good local band while flipping through a variety of books was such a great experience! Interestingly enough, I saw the owners of that bookstore this morning in Flagstaff as I was casually walking through downtown, synchronicity.

A few days ago I made it up to Flagstaff in time to meet up with an old friend to catch the last live music showing at The Orpheum Theater downtown featuring Delta Nove. Brazil has been apparent in my life as well, not only was the band known to have a Brazilian flare, but there there was even a traveling drum circle playing a great Brazilian beat! My old friend and I watched our streetlamp shadows move against the brick walls, skipped down the alleyway and had a blast dancing all night long!

Yesterday I caught up with another old friend who also lives here in Flagstaff who just so happens to have time. I threw out the idea of a cross country road trip and she was in! We don’t have any specific plans, but decided that to wing it and to just start out heading east on highway 40 leaving Flagstaff. The goal is to make it to North Carolina and experience what America has to offer along the way. No specific time frame, so who knows what will happen!

Out of curiosity and hope, I looked up Tea Leaf Green’s website, www.tealeafgreen.com, to see if they might be playing somewhere along the route… and lo and behold… this weekend, they are playing in Oklahoma! Not only is Oklahoma on our route, but the show is for free! I can hardly believe how easily it isĀ  happening, without any extra effort, without any excessive planning, things are just falling into place, exactly as they are supposed to.

The thing is that it always does work itself out if we let it. If we let go of what we think things should be, of how we think things should go and just let them be. When we stop planning things in concrete ways and stay open, good things are bound to come. The universe really does open itself up if you let it and trust that it will work out. We’ll see where this adventure takes us! I am excited!