How am I to know?

How am I to know

if this is real

or just a dream

a dream of “reality”

of the shared unconscious

perhaps all created by my mind

a world chock full of MY


of MY


Am I waking?

Am I awake?

or am I peacefully sleeping with anxiety?

A paradox so it may seem

but anxiety about what happens next

never really knowing how the story will go

or what will be around the inevitable corner

it all leaves me on edge

even in meditation

I still want to know…

and now…?

Transformation and the flow of my mind

i refute the idea that all life is suffering.

recently heard a translation to modern times suffering=stress.
this flows more easily with me.
living mostly on the spiritual and mental planes these days
these days in australia
wondering if its all just fiction
all the numbers, all the signs
a storyline based on a world of spirituality
that being the theme
i go with it
im interested
but could it be just like anything else… built by a set of ideas
then distributed and followed…
ill take what i want and leave the rest
take in, taste, experience, and absorb only whats necessary
in total preparation of the next step
i am becoming a full woman
true to myself and my nature
independent and confident
in my abilities
in my mind
in my love and in my knowing.
i know… i know… it is true
comfort in the words in old books that seem to confirm what i’ve known
not sure why i had to get confirmation, but i have and thats that.
its not always easy when you are venturing out on your own
paving your own way
going against the grain of the rest of the piece…
with a greater vision
not a herd mind whatsoever
i have to lead my life the way i choose
learning to truly trust this process and myself in it
i am getting there…
i make things more complicated that they need to… must K.I.S.S. more keeping to one plot… simplicity…
I break it down to keep it super simple… 🙂
for some reason i need to learn all about it before i can do that though
otherwise i feel like i am moving about blindly
not my cup of tea
feeling me
feeling what is here
feeling the greater force whatever that is
its all around
its all around
regularly i request… make me a channel of divine creativity and use me as an instrument of higher will…
wrote the basis for a story… came to me at 3am, ten pages… based on the story steps illustrated on my wall…
flooding out… and then it stopped midway and i wrote… tell me more and more came…
now what to do with it…
wanting to create something that eventually involves others
based on what flows through me… in words…
hopefully in full stories…
help disimminate the awareness…
to help bring light to other peoples work as well…
hopefully making an impact, an influence on others,
on myself, on humanity
the goal is still this…
to positively impact and raise the vibration of humanity, of the human race…
through energy
through thoughtful words and awareness
evoking emotion
evoking thought
evoking change

Raising Endorphins

Raising Endorphins

like a fundraiser

to help the common good

to help all around

to help me too

by helping me I do help others

this is true.

raising endorphins

getting high on life


sharing that positivity

letting it vibrate out of me

uplifting all around

the goal is to uplift humanity

this is my goal

this is the goal of what I do and why I do it

to help others see what they already have

to help inspire change

raising endorphins

energizing myself

having a surplus of energy to share with others

this is all it is

doing my best

sharing my merits

sharing my resources

continuing to raise and share

raise and share

raise and share

Sans Nuclear Family

I’ve never really had a nuclear family

at least not for too long

it has shifted and changed along th eway

with moments of relative solidity

I am grateful for these constant shifts

its taken a lot to get to this point

of acceptance

of letting go of past hurts and pains

i have forgiven

i still forgive

myself and those around me

everyone does their best

this is true.

that best changes from moment to moment.

this is true.

my family has always been extended

this has helped to create a community in my mind

a global community that extends well beyond parent and child

so much to learn from one another

so much to absorb and exchange

an extended flexible family

an extended flexible attitude

an extended flexible way of living in the world

all of which I am thankful.

New Era

Shifting perspectives



moprhing into the new me

voila a breakthrough

my mind is stronger than my eye

my eye is my mind


whatever that may mean

going beyond the ordinatry

nothing is as it seems

so many different ways to look

the value system of the objects shifts too

this is where the transcendence is

in shifting the view, the perception of things around

of the way i perceive the world

this is true

this is transcending what i have known into a new era of knowing.

it is indeed that a new era.

An Era of Illusion

Silly to have lived in an era of illusion

perhaps it still exists

though my lenses have shifted

i am just me as perfect as i can be

like no one else I’ve ever really known – all me

allowing myself the freedom of expression, of expansion

letting go of someone else’s – society’s version of perfection

accepting and cherishing my uncommon thoughts

my varying actions

i am me, this is me

holding true to my inner self

it is higher than i can comprehend

the world continues to transform

a unique and individual place indeed

understanding depths of my soul

that I’ve only brushed by before

trusting that i am my best me

knowing that changes each moment

embracing the ever morphing reality

laughing in it, loving in it, growing in it….

Allowing Love

Embracing my own self love

releasing others from the unattainable task

creating my own happiness

allowing love in – as it is – right now

without falling back on old patterns

nor projecting the future outcome of this, of now

simply enjoying the now- the moment – what is

enveloping my self, my soul in the goodness and grandeur of love

not making demands

letting go of expectations

allowing me to feel without wanting to own my interest

he will come and go

he always will so it seems

but I – I am here – the one with me always

I cannot stall nor stop energy

so i allow the flow to truly run through me

like a river encompassing, enveloping my everything

from my heart to my soul from well above my head to deep into the ground

allowing love with a resting smile upon my face.A

Paperback Romance

Hot, steamy, straightforward

their relationship exuded passion

like of romance novel – a paperback time travel

together they had magnetism that brought everything near

his thick Brazilian accent and hair boasting a machismo city bravado

flowed well with her cool feminine small town California demeanor

until they’d argue – which they did A LOT!

chemistry and electricity never ended.

A strong attchment grew between them

his masculine power overtook her

but she was not a weak-willed woman…

eventually she slipped away

but he followed – they usually do –

A complex story

a complex relationship


both burning bright

the moon and sun can’t ever coexist in the one view for too long

One or the other…

love and hate – its all passion…