Raising Endorphins

Raising Endorphins

like a fundraiser

to help the common good

to help all around

to help me too

by helping me I do help others

this is true.

raising endorphins

getting high on life


sharing that positivity

letting it vibrate out of me

uplifting all around

the goal is to uplift humanity

this is my goal

this is the goal of what I do and why I do it

to help others see what they already have

to help inspire change

raising endorphins

energizing myself

having a surplus of energy to share with others

this is all it is

doing my best

sharing my merits

sharing my resources

continuing to raise and share

raise and share

raise and share

What We Experience…

taking things on as our own…

so what we experience is only that…
it isnt ours its just what we do
its what we see
its what we taste
its what we hear
its what we feel
its what we think about
but none of it is ours…
nothing really belongs here or there
it just is…
so if this is the case…which i believe it is at this moment
then everything is accessible
confirming that nothing is personal… its all incredibly impersonal
so if thats the case… just enjoy whats there at that time
enjoy it for what it is… but know it has no owner
its for all to share, to love, to experience…


sharing my love
my story
the truths ive discovered
helping others see it in themselves
sometimes a Band-AID is needed
until the root
the real issue can be addressed.
from traditional western doctors
to eastern medicine
eventually progressing
to find that its all in the mind.
so utilize those Band-AIDs
working on the root one at a time…
until no more Band-AIDs are needed
and every root is uncovered.